
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bonanzle International

The monthly blog begins a bit early! 

What can I say?  This booth on Bonanzle this month of December saw significant growth across the globe.  It occurred to me that Bonanzle and tweets are a match made in heaven.

Remember being at a cocktail party and people would ask "What do you do?"  Sometimes a connection was made, sometimes not, but business cards were exchanged and contacts were noted.  Back at the office a few weeks later, one might look up one of those connections.  A mututally beneficial relationship would begin and sales made vice versa, for enhancing a business contract.

I can't be at your holiday party, but I can be on twitter and let you know that I have that widget, candy, gift that you need/want. 

What's the buzz with Twitter and Bonanzle?  Ahh, as I was mellowing out over Christmas pies and cookies, I pondered this and came up with the fact, that it is now International networking. 

Same for you, you may not be at my Grand Opening, but you can let me know if you can help be beneficial to me by logging into Bonanzle or Tweeting something in which I may be interested. 

Not only did Bonanzle reach the United States, there was the EU, European Union,  Australia, Thailand, New Zealand and more countries, I'm sure. 

It is all good and all for the community at Bonanzle that is effecting positive change through a selling venue that is coupled with social networking.  A very congenial and brilliant cooperative.

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