By any other name would smell as sweet."
Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)
Shakespeare probably couldn't have envisioned the internet site Bonanzle or Bonanza.
The meaning of the poem remains the same. I'm thinking Shakespeare could relate to relentless simplicity.
After all, this is not complex, “To be, or not to be, that is the question”
Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 1
and Bonanza it will be.
The website formerly called Bonanzle is Bonanza now in name.
Okey dokey!
It is still the same great website for finding and buying out of the ordinary things, but have perhaps limited time to scope and hunt out those desired objects.
It is still the same great website for selling all those out of the ordinary things so many are looking to buy.
So, whether you are aware of name changes in internet domains or not, Bonanza is
fantastic to find everything but the ordinary.
There is a special Bonanza sale that comes on the heels of the Bonanzle name change, going on now. (October 1, 2010 - October 17, 2010)
the Renaissance Fair at Bonanza, hosted by MomsPennies To everything, there is a season (and always a reason to shop).
Are you a Renaissance man or woman, free thinker, philosopher or artist? You'll find yourself amongst friends at the Bonanza Renaissance Fair and pick up some great holiday gifts at the same time. Inspire your mind, share and bookmark.
But one thing remains for this blogger. The name of the blog must change.
Forward movement, love to make a new blog for Bonanza.
Vaya con Dios!
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