
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Special Delivery to the North Pole found on

Santa's going green and on Bonanza.  Oh, ya, Special Delivery to the North Pole from a Bonanza booth
Remember talking about rolling in the hay on Bonanza?
Actually, it was called Getting the Goods on Bonanza,

Do you think that Santa's Reindeer need the hay?    The hay was sold on Bonanza and packaged with
Special Delivery to the North Pole tape.  Hmmm......and organic, nonethless!  Santa's going green! 

Certainly, there is everything but the ordinary on bonanza.  If Santa can find what he needs on Bonanza, you can too.  Still time for Christmas, check out some other booths on Bonanza in the Christmas Item Community Forum, started by selah
Last minute gift ideas.  You can do last minute shopping almost up to the minute. 
Here's a shop if you are looking for Ed Hardy
Find Christmas items: Still some Christmas Gift Wrap, Wrapping Paper left.
Gifts of Candy
Enjoy the season.

When the sleigh bells ring, Andy Williams a favorite, and you get that magic spirit, take a moment to reflect on the peace of the season and then give it away to friends and neighbors, family and strangers.  You'll be glad you did.

Vaya con Dios


Saturday, December 4, 2010

English Party Crackers for Christmas

English Party Crackers for Christmas, Making Memories
Makes a great hostess gift too, start new traditions.

Years ago at Thanksgiving, my mother brought party crackers, along with all her famous baked goods and pies.  But, it does not stop with that holiday, you can use these at Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Eve!

I can't remember where she found the English crackers, but they were a huge success. She's was not of English descent,  Snapping the crackers to make the pop sound was fun for all gathered around the table.  We found inside little treasures, small prizes, tokens and tissue paper crown hats.  We all wore the different colored hats and looked so silly.  To learn about the tradition, visit Tom Smith.

The prizes inside were talked about, sometimes even traded.  I remember getting a fortune fish inside one, which was really cool.  It was a small piece of plastic that was shaped like a fish and if it turned one way or another, it meant something special.  A code was provided.  So much fun in little simple pleasures.

I've been bringing the party crackers for Thanksgiving, since my mother passed away.  I don't know what it is about them, but they bring such joy.  So, imagine my joy when today I found another source for party crackers.  They are so hard to find around here, and now I found them in another store.  I couldn't wait to get home today and share them with the world.  I only bought three of the Tom Smith ones.  They are the more expensive, but for more adult crowds, they are a good bet, as the prizes are really decent, something you can really use.  You can get them at  Be forewarned, the Thanksgiving ones sold out in a heartbeat.  Historically, the Christmas crackers just sell out too fast. 

Start you own holiday tradition

For Christmas, consider having these at your dinner table before you eat, sit down, have one placed at each plate and let the fun begin.  Very festive for Christmas Eve too as the anticipation mounts. 

Some say, you should all stand in a line and cross arms and pull the snappers, but you can make your own tradition.  It's exactly that, a tradition that your kids and your kids' children will remember always. 
These are some that I found:
Unique design to these.

Red and White Stripe, like Candy Canes!  

and moderately affordable for these:

Tom Smith, the ultimate in party crackers. 

For some festive music:

 Food Court Hallelujah!